Terms of use

These terms of use also apply to our Facebook site, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and all other GLOBALG.A.P. and GGN.ORG social networks.

Disclaimer of warranties

The website serves for general information only. FoodPLUS GmbH endeavours to make its best efforts to update the information on a regular basis, but it is not claimed to be exhaustive. FoodPLUS GmbH has compiled the pages on this website carefully, and the information displayed on this website is believed to be correct. Nevertheless, FoodPLUS GmbH does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, actuality and technical availability of the published content, unless required otherwise by applicable laws.

Data transmission on the internet has hidden risks. Therefore, it is advised not to send confidential information without using an encryption or security program.

Copyright and Trademarks

All contents on this website, such as texts, images, logos, graphics, data compilations animations and videos, are the property of GLOBALG.A.P./FoodPLUS GmbH (or its suppliers) and protected by copyright laws and/or by the laws on trademarks. Reproduction is authorised, except for commercial purposes, provided that www.globalgap.org is mentioned and acknowledged as the source. Copyright of third party material found in this site must be respected.


Links to other websites are provided solely as a convenience. Therefore, those links imply neither responsibility for, nor approval of, the information contained on these websites by FoodPLUS GmbH.
