As a Senior Technical Expert at FoodPLUS, Rene co-manages the Sustainability Solution Project, which includes the multistakeholder development of the upcoming environmental sustainability solution and workers well-being standard scheduled for launch in 2025. He previously co-facilitated (2020–2021) the development of environmental topics for GLOBALG.A.P.’s flagship Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard version 6.
A citizen of Germany and Cuba, Rene is a versatile enabler with 25 years of international experience. He graduated from the International Program of the Center for Development Research (ZEF) of Bonn University in 2004, and holds a doctoral degree in Natural Sciences profile Geography from Bonn University (2007).
He is certified in project management, holds the European Business Competence License (EBCL C), and diligently learns from others, often via the Distance Learning School of Havana University of Informatic Sciences (UCI) with latest trainings on applications of artificial intelligence in sustainability and Corporate Sustainability.