Gorka is the fresh fish commercial head at Eroski. He is responsible for a buyer team for all fresh fish (bulk and MAP) and chilled products such as smoked, surimi, anchovies, or cooked octopus. Gorka is also involved in category management, coordinating everything related to the fishmonger with all other departments (logistics, selling points, quality, marketing, communication, etc.).
He participates as a speaker at events in the seafood value chain (AECOC (GS1 Spain), Norge, MSC, GLOBALG.A.P., and more), was previously a member of the GLOBALG.A.P. Aquaculture Technical Committee (2020-2021) and a food analyst at the Central Science Laboratory (CSL) of the UK’s health ministry in Norwich, and is a current member of the AECOC (GS1) committee for seafood products (2014-present).
He holds a degree in Chemistry from the Basque Country University (1997) and a bachelor’s in Science from Strathclyde University, Scotland (1997).